Saturday, 13 July 2013

Shooting with Kevin Bordas

One day when I looged in in my facebook-account I´ve found a message from the owner of the agency Vander Models in San Diego.
He wrote me that he has got a model in Barcelona and asked me for shooting with him. So it happened that I´ve met Kevin Bordas on 26th of June to take pictures together.

After we checked out the outfits he had available, we went to the locations where I thought out before.

It was a really nice experience shooting with Kevin, since my spanish is not the best and so we used mainly english and if necessary hands and feet.


Friday, 12 July 2013

Fashion Show Sewingpeanuts

On 28th of June the designers Flavia Loraque and Tània Sánchez alias "Sewingpeanuts" had their first fashion show in the Moon Garden of the hotel Rey Juan Carlos I in Barcleona.
The location was amazing! The Catwalk was over the water and all together suited perfectly with their elegant and glamorous designs.

It was a great show and a great start for Sewingpeanuts in the world of fashion.

All the best to you two! I can´t wait to see more of your work!



Shooting with Kristian Milatinov in Barcelona

- First shooting in Barcelona and my first male model -

I have the feeling that in Spain the work is differently done than back in Germany.
So e.g. I found myself before almoust every shooting sitting together with the model and drinking a coffee, having a good conversation and a relaxing start in the day.
I like that way to get to know each other, which makes it easier to work together.

The day with Kristian was anyway really relaxed and combined with a lot of fun.
Since it was my first time in Barcelona I was really happy that he always had some good locations in mind, so we jumped from one place to another.

While shooting we have almoust got stolen some equipment, but in the end everything went out well and we could go home after 6 hours of shooting with great images.

It was a really great day with Kristian and my assistant Angie. Here are some of the making-of pictures: